Account of S. G. Hubbard
Hatfield, Hampshire County, Mass., December 18th, 1850.
    Sir:--Having received one of your Agricultural Circulars, I shall endeavor to give what information I can upon the cultivation of winter wheat.
    Winter wheat is cultivated only to a limited extent in New England, and especially in Massachusetts.
    I believe it can be cultivated with profit on the "alluvial bottoms" of the Connecticut and other large rivers.  In this town, 20 bushels per acre are considered an ordinary crop--25 and 30 quite common--and, in favorable seasons, we sometimes have 40 and 50 bushels per acre, which, being in the market, readily commands $1.25 per bushel.
    Our mode of cultivation is as follows:--
    After land has been cultivated for a number of years, it is frequently seeded down to clover, for the purpose of renovating it.  After lying thus for one or two years, the second growth is ploughed under, generally in the month of September, and is immediately sown.  It is also sown to a considerable extent after broom-corn.  The broom is cut as early as possible in autumn, and the stalks, making a great quantity of vegetable matter, are buried in the soil with a plough adapted for the purpose; then, previous to sowing, the ground is rolled and harrowed, in order to make the soil as finely pulverized and compact as possible.
    Seed wheat is prepared by soaking 1 or 2 days in strong solution of salt-petre, then the water is drained off, and the seed is rolled and dried with lime.  This is a very effectual remedy against smut.
S. G. Hubbard